Special Paper
Your guide to our range of over 100 special paper options to help you make the best choices for your print project

Other than coated paper, uncoated paper, and C1S paper, we also offer a spectacular range of high-quality special paper for your covers, custom boxes, board games, playing cards, end sheets, presentation folders, and more besides. Parchment paper, textured paper, tracing paper, Arlin paper, colored paper are just a few examples. We also provide silver surface paper, gold surface paper, and holographic surface paper.
What Is "Special Paper"?
Special paper refers to any paper sheet product which has been treated, textured, colored, coated, or adapted in some way other than for standard paper types such as mineral/polymer coated or uncoated/offset paper. This paper is often used for decorative purposes, to achieve articular artist or visual effects, or in making greetings cards, gift boxes, and high-end packaging products.
Special Paper: Thickness and Weight
Just as with coated, uncoated and C1S paper, we measure the thickness of special paper in terms of its weight. With us, you can choose from a wide range of special paper weights from 70 gsm / 135 lb to 400 gsm / 270 lb and everything in between. As we source our special papers from a range of suppliers, the thickness and weights special papers can vary.
Special Paper Examples
At QinPrinting, because we don't rely on a limited warehouse stock but order all special papers for our clients' specific projects, we can offer a huge choice of well over one hundred different special papers. While that's too many to list here, we'll be happy to provide samples on request. In the meantime, here's a helpful introduction to several of the most popular special papers in our range:

Textured paper — papers with a surface that has a textile or fabric-like appearance and feel

Parchment paper—paper which simulates the effect of medieval parchment

Colored paper — paper that's pre-colored in a vast array of hues. It can even be multi-colored on a single sheet

Recycled paper — beautiful, high-quality paper made from pulp derived from reclaimed waste paper

Soft-touch paper — paper that's been finished to give it a soft, velvety feel and appearance

Silver or Gold Stock paper — this paper has a metallic-looking surface simulating the appearance of silver or gold. It can be smooth or sparkly
Popular Special Paper Applications
Special paper can be used for many exciting projects. Some of the ways that our clients have used special papers to excellent effect have been in the printing and manufacture of custom paper boxes, rigid box wrapping, book covers, hardcover end sheets, gift cards, thank you cards, high-end booklets, and custom designed board games.

We're Here to Help!
If there's anything else you'd like to know about paper choices for your print project or other special papers not listed here — and there are many! — talk to us. We're passionate about paper, and our experts in the stock department will be happy to help you. We want you to have a great experience working with us and — most importantly — to get the best possible results. At QinPrinting, we offer a free paper sample manual for our clients, which includes all the samples of currently available paper options in our stock. Contact us today to get your free paper manual. You're welcome!